Sunday, July 19, 2009

Beginning dream-symbol group study

I have an inspiration for a blog project communicating with a group of interested people and tracking how symbols from dreams, meditation, synchronicities, etc. in everyday life might coincide within members of a group of connected individuals wishing to partake in a new project.

I expect participants to be interested in posting current symbolic incidents. These can be from dreams, synchronicities, numbers, personal to choose the most important ones? They are all potentially important

To begin simply indicate that you are interested. Then keep track of your daily/weekly insights, dreams, anything you notice. These symbols can be important as a symbolic representation of your inner, higher Self. Keep your notes as simple as possible so that we can glean the most potent energy in our research and be ready to share and study them.

Why? So many of you have asked me about particular dream symbols. Without spending hours on each and every dream I realize that I can note some of the symbols that seem to be speaking on a "collective" level through all participant's dreams, meditations or whatever. As we go along we will study them and discover more about this type of "dream-work". I'm fairly confident that you will gain insights into your own life and psychology, as well as a spiritual connection to that "higher self".

Begin by introducing your interest in "inner" dream/symbol-work. Let me hear from you! Individual names and details will be kept as anonymous as possible, concentrating on the symbols and their synchronistic implications.

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